Power Plant Neem pesticide


            Power Plant Neem pesticide is a formulation of neem extract. It contains more than 60 pesticide elements kept away insects. The neem tree is indigenous to India. Its scientific name is Azadirachta indica. Neem has miraculous power kept away insects. In certain cases even more efficient than the chemically available products. It is meant to serve as a sustainable-agriculture for pest control and crop protection. Research has shown that neem extracts have an effect on nearly 200 species of insects. It is significant that some of these pests are resistant to pesticides (floral thrips, diamondback moth and several leaf miners). Azadirachtin enter in the body of the larva thus fails to molt, remains in the larval stage and ultimately dies. Adult emerging from the pupa will be 100% malformed, and absolutely sterile. A neem product is unique in nature since the products work on juvenile hormones. If the leaf is treated with a neem product because of the presence of azadirachtin, salanin and melandriol, there will be an anti-parasitic wave in the alimentary canal which produces vomiting sensation in the insect. Because of this sensation the insect does not feed on the neem-treated surface. Another way in which neem controls pests is by preventing the females be unable to lay eggs during the egg-laying period of its life cycle. There’re also other known modes of action:

·The formation of chitin hard part covering the insect
· Mating disrupted
· Larvae and adults of insects are repelled
Dose: Spray 1.0-1.5 ml / liter of water preferably during egg  laying period to destroy eggs. Apply it after 7-10  days intervals during the pest attack period.

Packing: 100 ml, 250 ml. 

Note: PPNP can be mix with grow and bloom, but not with PPFC. 

Store in cool and dry place.